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  • If the special unit with additional special abilities dies, does it lose these upgrades? Or does it still have them next time it is summoned?
  • If I have two units with the Attack ability in one region, do they attack together (so that they can kill a level 2 unit), or does only one of them attack at a time?
  • There is a Crab, an enemy influence marker, a neutral one and an own one in the region. Does crab have to use both of its attacks after it is activated and paid in this case? Or can it remove only the enemy influence marker?
  • Can I use the Attack ability twice per turn?
  • Can special units always attack, even if they have just been killed by the previous player?

General Questions

  • If I have the resources, do I have to perform the actions I chose? Or can I just remove my action marker and do nothing?
  • When using the Voracious Mountain action, do all influence markers and/or special units come from ONE region and move to ONE region?


  • Please specify: can I move the same influence marker or special unit twice when I pay 2 gold?
  • When playing with less than 4 players, there are less region tokens than regions. Are regions without token considered unavailable or can one move units or influence tokens in them even if they grant nothing?


  • Can I replace a unit's special ability (printed or bought)?
  • Can I summon special units of different levels during a single Making action? Do I have to use 2 Making actions to summon units from level, say, 1 and 3?
  • If my reputation hits rock bottom (-9), am I able to do more Making (which reduces reputation)?
  • Does one action marker on the Making field grant me one of the possible actions or all three of them (upgrade, summon units and move the M-factor tokens)?
  • When summoning crabs, is the additional -2 reputation modifier a one time one cost or is it per crab?

Voracious Mountain

  • When using the Voracious Mountain action, do all influence markers and/or special units come from ONE region and move to ONE region?


  • Does Vuko have to move to a different region when he already is in the region where the player with least reputation has the most influence?