1. Player A gets to choose one of the available resources first.
2. Player B gets one of the remaing resources.
3. Player C may not get any resources from the region since his/her influence is too low. You need more influence than the neutral player in order to collect a remamining resource.
Of course, a player influence in a zone may be altered by such factors as: special units in the region and/or the presence of Vuko in the region along with any Vuko tokens possessed by the players.
And if there is a tie for domination between players, please refer to Tied Domination on Page 13:
Tied domination: If two or more players have equal influence in a region,
then they count the sum of their influence in all adjacent regions. Whoever has
the most, wins the tie. If there is still a tie, the player with a highest position
on the reputation track dominates in that region (if there is a stack, the player
marker on the bottom wins the tie).
Thank you for the feedback